@jonasmalacofilho I am running node-js v0.11.11 and node-webkit v0.9.2 in Windows. According to https://github.com/rogerwang/node-webkit/wiki/Extract-info-about-gpu , the extracted `chrome://gpu` info is here: ``` json { "basic_info": [ { "description": "Initialization time",...
Hi all, I am sorry that I haven't maintained the repo for some dates. # unable to package zeromq (https://github.com/fyears/electron-python-example/issues/22 is the same issue I think. @asakiasako) @lzkelley have you...
I checked out the potential solutions before. It was definitely harder than I think: a basic parser understanding R syntax is needed, rather than any "text processing" logics...
A side note on 2017/02/16 for those who are interested later. I come across these issues today (actually I want to install [`sanic`](https://github.com/channelcat/sanic)), and try the latest windows branch commit...
I understand that `shap_values_matrix.shape == train_data_matrix.shape`. ## clarifying My issue, is about getting the names and their shap values of features, **instead of** visualizing them. ## example Take the demo...
btw, i am developing plugins for mobile obsidian, so nodejs fs module is not available……
Hi, I am developing a plugin about synchronizing notes (definitely NOT a replacement for the official solution but something meeting my personal needs). The algorithm might involve comparing and/or setting...
For example, we want that a file has the same mtime in local and on remote. But after it is uploaded (synced) to the remote, the mtime of file on...
appending might be needed while something is being logged (or cached), which is usually appended only for most of the time
> if I disconnect from sync for a year, then every note I modify during that year will have their mtime updated to now() when I reconnect to sync. In...