
Results 9 issues of fxqy

githubusercontent在国内基本无法访问,github pages服务域名github.io一直很流畅

Create a new encrypted volume and select Quick Format to make the formatter unresponsive. Do not choose to be able to successfully create the encrypted volume, but it will take...


## 为了您的问题能得到及时准确解答,请认真填写下面各个选项,感谢您的配合。 * #### 当前使用的UReport的具体版本号: 2.2.9 https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.bstek.ureport/ureport2-console/2.2.9 * #### 遇到的问题描述: 在‘条件属性配置’中配置了‘背景色’和‘新值’,'背景色'能正常按条件输出在预览中,'新值'没有生效,还显示的老值。 * #### 涉及到的异常信息(完整异常信息): 并没有什么异常信息打印,保存和预览都正常 * #### 相关截图: ![1111](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/42601163/85103438-3c229200-b239-11ea-9d25-805e5ce9e191.jpg) ![2222](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/42601163/85103449-42187300-b239-11ea-9679-8a4ac5006e26.jpg) ![3333](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/42601163/85103457-45abfa00-b239-11ea-8c7f-fb4238f174ba.jpg)

**V version:**V 0.1.29 8e478e8 **UI version:**latest **OS:** deepin 20 **What did you do?** v run users.v **What did you expect to see?** ui show but the input method cannot be...


``` Dong@DESKTOP-JHQSG53 MINGW64 /d/Dev/vlang/learn # v run ui1.v C:/v/v.exe: error while loading shared libraries: ?: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Dong@DESKTOP-JHQSG53 MINGW64 /d/Dev/vlang/learn # pacman...


```chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage()``` is this api still usable? How to get the page of 'Service_Worker '

What else do I need to add to the link options? ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/42601163/102686812-092b7c00-4225-11eb-8c70-54b4a8a44e86.png)

又去duilib那折腾了一圈,还是需要装vcpkg,他那个更麻烦,又回来了,还是觉得lcui优雅。这次vs2015,vcpkg,lcpkg都装成功了,但是按照github readme上的还是不行,命令参数不对,希望帮我解决下。 ``` PS D:\lcui-router-app> npm install up to date in 1.501s 1 package is looking for funding run `npm fund` for details PS D:\lcui-router-app> npm fund [email protected] `-- https://github.com/sponsors/sindresorhus...

### Description / Steps to reproduce the issue 早我使用自己编译的'vi(https://github.com/rmyorston/busybox-w32)'时出现过错误'vi: cant read user input',现在我使用'cargo tauri init'时候也出现相似的错误。 重新打开'mingw32.exe'后,'vi'和'cargo tauri init'又会同时不报错误,也有可能继续报错。 应该是同一个io问题。 I had an error 'vi: cant read user input' earlier when...
