Xavier Noria

Results 20 issues of Xavier Noria

RDoc autolinks text without markup and removes a leading hash if there is one. That's a great feature, but if you have for example method or class names that cannot...

Feature Request

The attributes= writer deletes the :locale key, modifying the hash in the caller. This may be confusing, one normally expects no side-effects like that.

Hey! This program raises ```ruby require 'fiber_scheduler' FiberScheduler do Fiber.schedule do p 1 end end ``` The exception is ``` /Users/fxn/.gem/ruby/3.2.2/gems/fiber_scheduler-0.13.0/lib/fiber_scheduler.rb:179:in `io_write': wrong number of arguments (given 4, expected 3)...

I may be missing something, so please consider this patch a conversation starter :). When `Rails.application.config.eager_load` is true, Rails already executes ```ruby ActiveSupport.run_load_hooks(:before_eager_load, Rails.application) Rails.application.config.eager_load_namespaces.each(&:eager_load!) ``` among other things. You...

Resque sends `SIGTERM` to signal the child process it should terminate, but this conflicts with Heroku, which sends `SIGTERM` to all processes when shutting down dynos. That is, your child...

(Discussion started in https://github.com/fxn/zeitwerk/issues/287.) The purpose of this ticket would be to explore ways to let Rails reload some gems. This could be useful if the gem is being actively...

Hey! :) Just a quick doc fix I saw in passing.

There is an engine initializer doing this: ```ruby Rails.application.eager_load! ContentfulModel::Base.descendents.each do |klass| klass.send(:add_entry_mapping) end ``` Rails applications cannot load application code so early. If you change a content model and...

I am working on an application that produces messages to a single topic that has 100 partitions. The workload is high, I think we would have better performance if there...

I am working on an applications that produces messages to a single topic that has 100 partitions. The workload is high, I think we would have better performance if there...