Hi alanxz, I'm using your lib SimpleAmqpClient in my project, but I met an issue as the Title. after I created the channel, declare queue, and then: `std::string consumer_command =...
关于这个项目的 todo list 里的这一条,我认为还是很有必要的。 我引用这个项目,将股票期货报价数据写入到 InfluxDB 里面去,每一个报价都 Post 一次,Post 里面又包含了 sock 的创建连接等,显然太占用资源了。 我将 server_info struct 里面添加了 sock addr 两个变量, 添加了 DoConnect DoWritev DoRecv 三个方法,替代你的项目里面的 http_request 内的创建 socket, connect sock 以及writev...
an AMQP can manager several Exchanges Or QUEUEs. every of them have their own channel, right? if I call delete AMQP* directly, in the Destructor channels.size() is not zero, but...
when constructing AMQP using "guest:guesu@localhost:5672/", it would throw a exception. AMQPException.cpp line 38 39 will get invalid data, cause an uncatched exception So I think there should have an additional...
大佬,我看你代码里面展示 chat history 好多地方,都因为有个 systemRole 顶在前面而不方便 有没有考虑 将 systemRole 从 messages 里面拿出来,单独用 参数名 prompt 放在 POST 的 body 里面发送啊, 这样 messages 看起来也没那么别扭