Francois-Xavier Briol
Francois-Xavier Briol
This website: has the "Genz test functions". This is a set of six test functions each with different challenges for numerical integration. The advantage of these test functions is...
@JonathanWenger @marvinpfoertner
Also adding @mmahsereci since you were part of the discussion in the other pull request.
Dear @marvinpfoertner , @mmahsereci : thanks both for the suggestions - they are really appreciated as I am very much a beginner when it comes to this. I'll have a...
> Very nice 👍🏻 I like the exhaustive docstrings! > > A few general comments: > > * [ ] I would suggest providing `QuadratureProblem` "constructors" instead of the individual...
Hi @marvinpfoertner , @mmahsereci : Thanks again for your comments. I think I have now managed to implement all of them (I will certainly keep the one about keeping pull...