This is not related to the log format, but a consequence of Matomo returning a list of sites, even if a single site is queried. I have provided a quick...
I encountered the same issue, that was indeed related to the internal mask, as @achmed13 noted. Switching to RGB colour space worked, but not via the GDAL COG driver, as...
In my interpretation of @ahocevar's question, the question is whether the bug is in geotiff.js, or in OpenLayers. Noteworthy is that @undefinedSolutions reported it there [first](https://github.com/geotiffjs/geotiff.js/issues/281), and was sent here....
With my complete lack of knowledge of modern Javascript, I tried to create a geotiff.js test case by dumbing down the [COG example](https://openlayers.org/en/latest/examples/cog.html) in the sandbox linked in the documentation...
To me the analysis of @achmed13, that it it a JPEG+mask decoding issue, sounds much more likely. For completeness I have rendered a series of example images at higher resolution...
I can confirm this bug (still) exists in the following configuration: Python 3.7.4 Pandas 0.25.1 Numpy 1.16.4 Holoviews 1.12.3 Datashader 0.7.0 Bokeh 1.3.4 The problem appears not to be in...
Did some more experiments today. - Disabling Numba (`NUMBA_DISABLE_JIT=1`) makes everything slower (expected) but results in the same error. - Conversion of the time series to pydatetime (`pd.DataFrame.to_pydatetime()`) does not...
A quick check on the following system still yields the same error on my system: > Python 3.7.4 (default, Aug 13 2019, 20:35:49) [GCC 7.3.0] > Pandas 0.25.1 > Numpy...