François Wouts

Results 152 comments of François Wouts

> @fwouts nope. even with NTFS it's case insensitive and afaik drive letters work either way even in bash, i.e. `cd /c/Users` and `cd /C/Users` works the same, however paths...

Since v1.12.0 (released today), Preview.js bundles its dependencies so there is no need for an `npm install` step anymore. This error shouldn't be possible anymore. Feel free to reopen if...

Thanks for reporting @wen911119! This is an optional check used to see whether or not there's a newer version available, I could at least reduce the timeout to 5 seconds...

Good idea! Thanks for the suggestion 😁

Hey @jsBlackBelt, thanks for the suggestion! I implemented something a bit like that in React Preview, Preview.js's predecessor: Does that roughly align with what you had in mind?

There's one gotcha with the approach I had used before though, which is that components are loaded on-demand with a dev server, it's not a precompiled JS bundle. Hence it...

Thanks for all these additional details! I'll explore this idea further, but heads-up it will take a few months :)

Hi @jsBlackBelt! A couple of updates: - The CLI version of Preview.js is now in the works, hopefully coming out in the next couple of weeks (but no promises!). Just...

Thanks for filing the issue! I had an idea which was to alias `@remix-run/node` since that's likely the import that's causing issue: ```js // preview.config.js module.exports = { alias: {...

I'll keep this issue open, as Remix is getting more and more popular it makes sense to support it as soon as technically possible 👍