François Wouts

Results 152 comments of François Wouts

Question for maintainers: has anyone already tried implementing [Evan's idea #2]( of pre-bundling dependencies with esbuild in production as well? Do we know how much work that would involve? (I...

For anyone looking at this issue, this should hopefully be solved by, which depends on another big Rollup CJS PR, so I'm not exactly sure when we'll get it...

> @Kylar13 we're hitting some issues with the update to rollup plugin commonjs v22, in case someone wants to help check out the issue: > - Until we manage...

I've just published v0.0.24 which should work with the example in 721c617. Let's keep this issue open as the approach is still quite suboptimal (running `npm rebuild` on container launch,...

> @fwouts I definitely don't mind putting the prettier, buildifier, and updated rules_nodejs in separate PRs. I probably don't have time to do so todya, so if you can get...

Hey @enriched, what are the next steps to unblock this PR?

Apologies @enriched, I'm just coming back from two consecutive trips. I'll try and take a look in detail tomorrow with a fresh mind.

Happy new year @enriched! 🎉 I'd like to make sure we get this merged within the next month or two. Please let me know what I can do to help...

@enriched Are you planning to continue work on this PR, or should we pick it up where you left off?

Hi David, the key mechanism is a special tag added [here]( which ensures that the webpack dev server does *not* get killed. Instead it watches the transpiled directory (see [this...