This error looks a lot like this other: #185 Try following these steps: CTRL+shift+p > settings.json > add the line: "markdown-pdf.executablePath": "C:\\chrome.exe" > restart vscode
OK. I'll try to debug. So, please let me know your environment. 1. OS (Windows 10? Mac? Ubuntu?) 2. Chome browser version 3. Visual Studio version And please try to...
Thank you for your information. It ’s the same environment as me. Sorry to trouble you, but I want you to try one thing. https://github.com/yzane/vscode-markdown-pdf/blob/837ad2afd32768024f14565a3de2d24c16e9140e/extension.js#L399-L404 Please try changing the code...
If the above method fails, try replacing it( C:\Users\ `username` \\.vscode\extensions\yzane.markdown-pdf-1.4.4 ) with this file and running export pdf. [extension.zip](https://github.com/yzane/vscode-markdown-pdf/files/6462400/extension.zip) I have included an error message, so please let me...
Thank you for trying!! Probably a browser issue. I think that the markdownpdf extension is working fine. So, next step. Let me decide if it's a browser issue. Please install...
I got the same problem. If you were using a proxy server, modify as below. - Access `/Users//.vscode/extensions/yzane.markdown-pdf-1.4.4/extension.js` in your local machine. - Now locate the `options` and modify it...