
Results 23 issues of fwh1990

### 问题是什么 package.json中axios被直接安装。希望能放到peerDependencies里,这样方便开发者自行升级axios版本。 ```diff { + "peerDependencies": { - "dependencies": { "axios": "^0.19.2" } } ```

We are designing a UI-Editor system like [figma.com](https://figma.com) with flame. The `skew` property is as important as `size`, `position` and other basic properties from transform. This field is required for...


This rule exists in tslint as `no-duplicate-switch-case`

**Webpack Version:** 4 **Babel Core Version**: 7 **Babel Loader Version**: 8 **Please tell us about your environment:** Macos **What is the expected behavior?** Just like [cache-loader](https://github.com/webpack-contrib/cache-loader#options) that provide `read` and...

The default zero point(0, 0) is **left-top**, and I want to change the point to **left-bottom** to compatible with C/S app. It will be very hard to transform the coordinate,...

开源,但是没精力推广。主要是一没有大厂光环,二没有写软文实力,三下班回家要带娃。对于foca这个框架,不管是写法还是TS类型提示,都能让一个程序员的**心智负担**降到极低的程度,需要掌握的api极少,总之就是毫无节操地提升开发效率。这也许不是最好的状态管理库,但已经尽我所能了。 如果你用foca时没有`爽到起飞`的感觉,那就是我的失职!这时强烈推荐你选择其他更香的状态库: [mobx](https://github.com/mobxjs/mobx), [rematch](https://github.com/rematch/rematch), [dva](https://github.com/dvajs/dva), [redux-toolkit](https://github.com/reduxjs/redux-toolkit), [concent](https://github.com/concentjs/concent), [mirror](https://github.com/mirrorjs/mirror), [xstate](https://github.com/statelyai/xstate)... 和这些库的优劣对比啥的就不写了,咱也不得罪人,百花齐放才利于交流和进步。 如果你正在使用,请在此签个到~


help wanted

I know lodash provides a more cool package `lodash-es`, but for some people, they just want to use package `lodash` which sounds better. So, It will be very helpful if...

I have some lottile files uploaded by users, they are on the server side, so I hope that you can provide a property to receive url. The truth is `animationData`...


Github repo: https://github.com/redux-model/redux-model/blob/master/README-EN.md I am very crazy on how to write program faster and faster with typescript and try to save people's life. It maybe not the best, but should...