Francois Green

Results 31 issues of Francois Green

This might be a welcomed alternative to finding a unique name for something that, in most situations, doesn't require naming. Plus it has the added benefit of being familiar to...


Here's what I've cobbled together after Googling: ```Swift public extension Collection where Self.Iterator.Element : RandomAccessCollection { func transpose() -> [[Self.Iterator.Element.Iterator.Element]] { var transposed: [[Self.Iterator.Element.Iterator.Element]] = [] for column in 0..

**Motivation:** I wanted to pretty print a 2D array (a Sudoku board) and found mapping to string and using `joined(by:)` fell short of what I needed. ```Swift let input =...


The Java IDE supports this feature: ![Screenshot 2023-04-18 at 8 36 09 PM]( Why not Swift? ![Screenshot 2023-04-18 at 8 43 02 PM](

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The following statement, ```elm dbg T "the row number is: " row ``` outputs... ``` [main.roc:31] T "the row number is: " row = (T "the row number is: "...

I would like to be able to do this when paginating: ``` #for(i in 1...page_count): #(i) ... ``` My current workaround is to create a page count array inside the...


This only happens in the Ceylon IDE and not JDT, but Ceylon isn't mentioned in the error message. I also haven't experienced this on macOS. ![eclipse screenshot]( The error message......

Eclipse Oxygen (4.7.1a) now supports running on Java 9. ![screen shot 2017-10-16 at 4 27 49 pm](

high priority
bug on master

Beyond providing a Ceylon API, which should be reason enough, moving Herd to a Vert.x based implementation would 1. Put Herd on a platform that was designed to scale. 2....

Had no issues (apart from warnings) building the SDK, but received this error when compiling a program using the `file` module. ``` 1: error: the 'ImportVisitor' caused an exception visiting...