
Results 18 issues of fweth

Hello, thanks for providing this awesome tool! I think it would be great if you added a possibility to unmap all key from some category, like omnibar or insert mode....

# 🐛 bug report ## Preflight Checklist - [x] I have read the [Contributing Guidelines][contributing] for this project. - [x] I agree to follow the [Code of Conduct][code_of_conduct] that this...

# 🌈 Feature Hello, I noticed that `.jsx` files have better editing features for jsx syntax than `.js` files, like Emmet support. For this reason, I change all my `.js`...

# 🌈 Feature When I just want to publish a small CSB e.g. for a bug report, I usually open a private window to create the CSB without logging in....

# 🌈 Feature Hi, I recently installed PureScript and Spago and ran a few commands which populated a `.spago` directory with so many files that the file explorer told me...

Hello, I played around with the `@use-gesture/react` and `react-spring` libraries and this very simple example from their docs sometimes just doesn't work in CSB. Not sure if it's an issue...

Hi, not sure if this is a bug or intended behaviour, but when I use `firebase login` the Firebase CLI presents me with an URL (something like `https://auth.firebase.tools/login?code_challenge=[...]&session=[...]&attest=[...]`) I need...

I would really like to permanently enable `nb_black` in Jupyter Notebook, but unfortunately, when I put `c.InteractiveShellApp.extensions = ['nb_black]` in my IPython profile, I get the output `` after each...

I love how Apollo Client uses IDs for auto updating the cache. A little feature that I'd like to see is that you can specify one or more expected IDs...

📕 cache
:hook: react hooks

Hi, I often have the situation where there is a texture which should be available to all programs at all times and then I have two framebuffers between which I...