Florian Wendland
Florian Wendland
I have the following C code: ```c #include struct s { int a; }; typedef struct s S; S* new() { return malloc(sizeof(S)); } void fun() { S *sptr =...
We're having some problems with Gradle plugin updates, where their dependencies on Maven are not yet available. We delay updates by 1 day. Vulnerabilities requiring immediate actions should still be...
With the transition to v3 we're envisioning to provide multiple executors. Each could have it's own specific analysis focus. Thus, it's no longer sufficient to say "Codyze found issues". We...
Extend Gradle to support publishing Maven artefacts for other projects to consume v3 libraries.
We should add source and docs to our library artifacts when doing Maven publish.
Executors for specification languages should be able to register passes with the CPG. For example, the executor for MARK requires two additional passes (IdentiferPass and EdgeCasePass). These need to be...
Use current version of MARK and reimplement in Kotlin thereby fixing current implementation problems. Required for Codyze v3 3.0.0 initial release.
# Feature request Java SE 17 (LTS) has been released some time ago. We should consider moving up from Java SE 11. To ensure everything keeps on working, we should...
We generate a couple of artifacts for Codyze v2 and v3. We should populate the Manifest files for built JAR files.