
Results 150 comments of fwcd

@apatrida Each file needs to be compiled to an abstract syntax tree by the Kotlin compiler frontend. Using the AST, the language server can provide document symbols, code completion, hover...

@Strum355 There is a new Gitter channel for this project: [![Gitter](https://badges.gitter.im/fwcd-projects/KotlinLanguageServer.png)](https://gitter.im/fwcd-projects/KotlinLanguageServer)

Yes, it would be helpful if you could share more of the log (especially the beginning where the dependency resolution strategy is output). Newly added dependencies might additionally require a...

```json { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "window/logMessage", "params": { "type": 3, "message": "client Searching for dependencies in workspace root /Users/vito-c/code/kotlin-akka/src/main/kotlin/koala" } } ``` Apparently, the language server searched for dependencies inside...

Yup, the codebase has recently been split up into modules with the executable being the `server` module.

@kristianmandrup Yup, currently a build tool is required to use the language server. See #95, or, more specifically, #93.

Thanks for the bug report! Not the first issue with special characters in paths (see e.g. #200, #204) , the URI-path conversions unfortunately are still a bit wonky when it...

Any output logs or errors from the language server?

@jdemeulenaere You could look at [SimpleScriptTest](https://github.com/fwcd/kotlin-language-server/blob/master/server/src/test/kotlin/org/javacs/kt/SimpleScriptTest.kt), which already experiments a bit with the new scripting API. The API does, however, [not provide an IDE-interface](https://github.com/Kotlin/KEEP/blob/master/proposals/scripting-support.md#status-of-this-document) yet, so any traditional language server...

This might be a combination of a Kotlin compiler bug and Java 16, enforcing access restrictions on reflection that were previously just warnings. Could you check whether the issue persists...