
Results 150 comments of fwcd

Same issue, modules using the 2015-syntax with a `mod.rs` file show up in completions, those using the new 2018-syntax do not.

Interesting, I haven't tested KLS with anything outside of Kotlin/JVM, but improving support for multiplatform definitely sounds useful! Perhaps this would even move us a bit closer to #11

Looks pretty cool, I hope to find some time to review it in detail soon, but thanks for the work involved in implementing this already. If I recall correctly, we...

While syntax highlighting should work, running the language server in the browser unfortunately is not really feasible at the moment, since it heavily depends on the JVM. Even if, hypothetically,...

Looks reasonable, if there are no major API breaks and the CI passes, this should be ready to go.

We're vendoring `ktfmt` ([here](https://github.com/fwcd/ktfmt/tree/kls)) since it uses the embedded Kotlin compiler rather than the standard one, which we use. The embedded Kotlin compiler uses other package paths (e.g. `org.jetbrains.kotlin.com.intellij` instead...

We tried this and it didn't work since there were other dependencies which needed the non-embedded compiler and didn't have an embedded version themselves (I think it was the `kotlin-scripting-compiler`...

Hi! I am not entirely sure how `vscode-java` handles this, but I think it should be possible to implement this via [the Kotlin grammar/syntax in this repo](https://github.com/fwcd/kotlin-language-server/blob/main/grammars/Kotlin.tmLanguage.json). - There are...

@mrjones2014 Sure. Currently, the language server uses Maven or Gradle to find a set of JAR paths: https://github.com/fwcd/KotlinLanguageServer/blob/d9dee813be0e4cc1a1c9fc15a2f7ed8da99b15e2/src/main/kotlin/org/javacs/kt/classpath/findClassPath.kt#L46-L56 Although `vscode-java` is compatible with Maven and Gradle too, it still uses...

@mrjones2014 Although this project looks interesting, the main issue with `intellij-lsp-server` is that it requires IntelliJ to run side-by-side. Maybe it would be possible to isolate the IntelliJ-specific code, but...