Andrew Macpherson
Andrew Macpherson
The mobile menu button is currently just an icon. An icon + visible text label ("menu") would be clearer, and help speech control users (pressing buttons is hard if you...
Awesome progress, loom forward to reviewing in detail. I've tried drumming up contributors from the #a11y slack channel. Comparing your latest work against my older reviews would be a good...
Many Vim plugins just use the same license as Vim itself. For example, most of Tim Pope's plugins just include a note in the README to say it uses the...
Aha, just seen #55 Where's the code for the firefox add-on nowadays?
Thank you very much!
Replicated. The package assumes the `xsel` program is present, however it isn't installed by default in all Linux/X11 distros. For example: using the Arch Linux installer, and requesting a KDE...