**描述一下这个bug** 清楚而简洁地描述了错误是什么 windows快捷键Alt显示是option,没用过mac的人会很疑惑 **预期行为** Alt显示成Alt **截图** 
### Version * ### Link to Minimal Reproduction https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/vtable-bug-report-dd9pfl?file=%2Fsrc%2Findex.ts%3A57%2C11 ### Steps to Reproduce 1.换掉sort图标 2.设置 autoWrapText, heightMode, autoFillWidth 3.缩小列的宽度, 使文字换行, header高度变大 4.放大列的宽度, 使文字变回一行, header高度没有还原 ### Current Behavior 列宽还原后,header的高度没有还原 ### Expected...
### Version * ### Link to Minimal Reproduction https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/vtable-export-umd-forked-v22qtc?file=%2Fsrc%2Findex.ts%3A56%2C11 ### Steps to Reproduce ``` tableInstance.on(ListTable.EVENT_TYPE.CONTEXTMENU_CELL, (args) => { console.log("contextmenu_cell", args); }); ``` ### Current Behavior PC端右键单元格能触发绑定事件, 移动端长按无法触发. ### Expected Behavior...
### What problem does this feature solve? How to display multiple field sorting, currently displaying the data in the database, the results might be sorted based on multiple fields, currently...
### What problem does this feature solve? 每一列根据不同的内容合适的宽度是不一样的, 如果设置 maxWidth 的话, 用户自由调整的时候就没办法超过 maxWidth 了. 如果支持设置 limitMaxAutoWidth 的话, 就可以实现设置默认最大宽度的同时, 用户还可以自由调整. ### What does the proposed API look like? ``` columns: [...