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you can clear the query text in the editbox of SearchView after executing submit method for the first time by adding "sv.setIconified()"after your onSubmitQuery(),so that codes of submit method won't...

concat之后再输出,在计算结果上,和论文中 sigmoid(y_FM+y_DNN) 单独计算再加和是一样的。 我觉得first order乘以feature_bias是多余的。因为embedding的结果与deep、second order拼接最后接一个projection layer,只看feat_value-projection这一块就已经是等价LR 的形式(论文中的公式2),在前面乘以一个feature_bias又不加非线性激活函数完全没必要。 PS:在gayhub上讨论,是不是还是用英语更合适?

The number of update steps is controlled by samples * 1 million. And 'samples' is a running argument in line.cpp.

I think the answer is 0.10.2. The clue is as follows: Lightgbm 3.3.4 was released at Jan 5, 2023. Synapseml 0.10.2 was released at Nov 22, 2022, and the next...