Maybe this is related to pull request #270? Any timeline on merging that into the main branch? (Sorry, I don't know how to `yarn add` the develop branch, and I...
Thanks @andrewdang17, I just added that to the fiddle, and it does work. But I'm pretty sure my users won't know to deselect the default option in order to search...
Oh, interesting, thanks. So there was a change affecting this in 1.26.2. Hopefully, this can be solved in future versions.
@atstockland I downgraded to 1.26.1, and it seems to be working. I don't love that solution, but it does the job for now.
Addendum: .count() works if I'm not performing the :year function. So this works: ``` ruby Client.group(:county, :gender).count ``` ``` sql SELECT COUNT(*) AS count_all, county AS county, gender AS gender...
Same issue: I replaced TextMate 2.0 alpha back to 1.5.10, and PeepOpen finds the files but doesn't open them.
After two weeks or so, this behavior corrected itself, so working again on TextMate 1 for me.