Furqan Awan
Furqan Awan
Dear Sir, I am new to nextstrain. I must say this can provide really useful insights. I am interested in performing some analysis related to SARS Covid-19 in some specific...
Hello, I have already used snippy and snippy-multi in my previous work. I have recently installed snippy into a new PC but I think snippy-multi is not exported. Whenever I...
Hi, I have tried generating tab file by pasting all the filenames and paths in excel and later converted that CSV file using this command. `sed -e 's/,/\t/g' input.csv >...
Hello, I am installing jsonlite in my rstudio. I have already installed rtools40 and set the path using the following commands ``` rt_path = "C:/rtools40/" rt_bin = "C:/rtools40/mingw32/bin/" writeLines(paste0('PATH="',rt_path,';${PATH}"'), con...
Hi, I am new to modeling and EpiNow2. After running my dataset and the codes provided in your examples, I am able to get the prediction results. I was curious...
Hello, I am learning this EpiNow2 to forecast using my own data. I have input my data with two columns (dates and No.Cases). ``` reported_cases