SPAIN: country="ES", lang="es", reportedby="@segalion,@ceberre,@javy97" ITALY: country="IT" lang="it", reportedby="@furetto72", notes="reporting status seems diferents" FRANCE: country="FR",lang="fr", reportedby="@azrod" UK: ? Portugal: ? Brasil: ? Chile: ? Netherland: ? Sweden: ?
yes, I confirm 'Q': STATE_ALARM_ARMED_HOME, I add the perimeter: '3': STATE_ALARM_ARMED_PERI
I'm sorry for my english. I tested the changes and found problems: - if I try to disarm the panel it remains on I am disarming. - STATE_ALARM_ARMED_NIGHT arms as...
log status PERI : STATE_ALARM_ARMED_CUSTOM_BYPASS: ['3', ('**204**',)]
> Hi, > > Where are you looking to get these code ? > I'm in France and somtimes the status is not well reported. https://github.com/Cebeerre/VerisureAPIClient - ACT -> LOG...
Ciao, io per ora ho abbandonato questo script in quanto ho riscontrato dei seri problemi di loop nelle chiamate api al server di verisure, con conseguente blocco dell'intero sistema di...
eccoli: STATE_ALARM_DISARMED: ['0',("1","32")], STATE_ALARM_ARMED_HOME: ['P',("311","202", "203")], STATE_ALARM_ARMED_NIGHT: [('Q','C'),("46")], STATE_ALARM_ARMED_AWAY: [('1','A'),("2","31")], STATE_ALARM_ARMED_CUSTOM_BYPASS: [('3','C'),('204')], STATE_ALARM_TRIGGERED: ['???',('13','24')], per ora io uso questo: https://github.com/Cebeerre/VerisureAPIClient Il giorno dom 22 nov 2020 alle ore 13:10 meazzaflavio...