Will Weaver
Will Weaver
I'm still here, but I don't use it actively any more. I check on average once every two months.
I agree though this could break some workflows. Maybe there needs to be a name tag and a base name tag.
Hey. I found this open PR looking for the process to upgrade the script to python3. I was wondering what work is remaining before this is good to merge? I...
Sorry to misfile, I see this has already been fixed on master. For some reason when I downloaded the plugin from the xbar plugin browser it got a version that...
Just confirmed that I downloaded an older version on a brand new install `# v3.0.2` This looks like an issue with xbar's plugins browser and not likely the plugin itself.
I am in the same boat as above. Is there any documentation for troubleshooting issues? I'm happy to put some time into looking at this.
Diving deeper into this it seems a 406 code is returned by the API, and that's the error message I'm seeing. ``` user@host$ curl -X HEAD -I http://api.travis-ci.org/ HTTP/1.1 406...
I tried the curl command again today and it looks like it works as expected. I'm guessing this was an API problem that didn't make it to the status page....
While you have the frontend tab open select add repositories. Then you will be able to search for Custom Sidebar and find it. This is not a custom sidebar issue...
Was just jumping in to comment the same thing.