Michael K
Michael K
I think that the bug was fixed in 3.4 I get the following error: lang/pbpack_tool.py unpack cyr1.pbl cyrrilic Traceback (most recent call last): File "lang/pbpack_tool.py", line 73, in main() File...
Well, at the end one I got utilizes all 4 channels. I have another matrix that is on the way, in case it will use only ABC I will try...
It might be also blocked by ``` Q. Can a device be both a GATT client and GATT server? A. Yes, but this is not currently supported by Go Bluetooth....
I think the start would be to add events [here](https://github.com/tinygo-org/bluetooth/blob/release/adapter_nrf528xx-full.go#L23) as per this [documentation](https://infocenter.nordicsemi.com/index.jsp?topic=%2Fug_nrfconnect_ble%2FUG%2FnRF_Connect_BLE%2FnRF_Connect_Pairing_devices.html) for example to try [this](https://infocenter.nordicsemi.com/topic/com.nordic.infocenter.s140.api.v6.0.0/group___b_l_e___g_a_p___p_e_r_i_p_h___l_e_g_a_c_y___m_s_c.html) using this [struct](https://infocenter.nordicsemi.com/index.jsp?topic=%2Fug_nrfconnect_ble%2FUG%2FnRF_Connect_BLE%2FnRF_Connect_Pairing_devices.html) of data from my understanding. But again, my...
just to play around i tried to implement simple bonding by adding something like: ``` case C.BLE_GAP_EVT_SEC_PARAMS_REQUEST: var secParams C.ble_gap_sec_params_t secParams.set_bitfield_bond(1) secParams.set_bitfield_mitm(0) // secParams.set_bitfield_keypress(0) secParams.set_bitfield_lesc(0) secParams.set_bitfield_io_caps(C.BLE_GAP_IO_CAPS_NONE) C.sd_ble_gap_sec_params_reply(gapEvent.conn_handle, C.BLE_GAP_SEC_STATUS_SUCCESS, &secParams, nil)...
well, it;s little bit of problematic for me, i didn't build tinygo and using docker to build fw :( i tried to send bondCallbacck function and use DisableInterupts and RestoreInterups,...
Well, yeah, the charts in Nordic docs are simple. But for me low level is quite new, so I wanted to check "just works" examples first with simple bonding. As...
Yeah, I had a thought to take it out as global, but not sure why I didn't. Anyhow I was able to implement simple pairing (without bonding), going to try...
Okay, I was able to connect from nice!nano to my android phone and send text input. It took me long time to understand why report map characteristics is just disappearing...
> > Aside from that, storing the bonding data to flash might be tricky since SoftDevice has strict timing requirements. It's not clear how much effort it will be to...