
Results 15 comments of Cesare

I can confirm that some code like ``` ruby 300kelements.each do |element| Backburner.enqueue MyWorker, element end ``` after a while leads to ``` ... gems/beaneater-1.0.0/lib/beaneater/connection.rb:238:in `_raise_not_connected!': Connection to beanstalk 'localhost:11300'...

A workaround I found is to recycle the connection, like: ``` connection = Backburner::Connection.new(Backburner.configuration.beanstalk_url) tube = connection.tubes['mytube'] 300kelements.each do |p| data = { :class => MyWorker.name, :args => my_args }...

I am trying ``` before do env['rack.session']['csrf.token'] = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(32) end ``` It works but I am not sure it's the best way and how it impacts on the performance.

Ok, but if I remove it, will a new random one be generated and injected?

So far the "before approach" seems to work. It's tricky in the case of Ajax calls that use the`meta`tag so I went with: ``` before do unless request.xhr? env['rack.session']['csrf.token'] =...

@mauricev The iOS simulator by default has location `None`. If you set a value it should work. At least, it does in my case.

@mauricev See https://stackoverflow.com/a/71005159

@gianpaj Thanks for getting in touch. 1. Not yet. We are [working on this](https://github.com/ably/ably-js/pull/395). 2. Yes. It is a feature that we have thought of, but will not be available...

I am having the same issue, duplicated contacts. I suspect this is related to the fact that my contacts on the device are "linked". Those that appear twice are in...