Ramanan Sivaranjan

Results 5 issues of Ramanan Sivaranjan

Delving Deeper contains a simplified thief class. - [ ] Set the thief property to true in the Delving Deeper class. - [ ] Use delving deeper 3 in 6...

Based off B/X - [ ] Generate geographic origin - [ ] Generate background - [ ] Add crab-man class - [ ] Slug Man can be a Cleric or...

James Raggi is thinking of changing the character creation rules for LotFP. - [ ] Constitution determines what die you use for rolling hit points, no matter what your class....

EPT is similar to OD&D, but different enough to be a nuisance. - [ ] Ability scores are different, and rolled differently. - [ ] Rename saving throws. - [...

We should have pretty circular avatars ala Demiba or Path.
