Results 38 issues of func0der

Hey there @yohang , this repo and the library does not get the love it deserves. There are multiple open issues and a LOT of PRs ready to be merged...

If I call ``` gem install --no-document rake gem install digest-crc ``` Output: ``` ERROR: Error installing digest-crc: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. current directory: /var/lib/gems/2.5.0/gems/digest-crc-0.6.3/ext/digest /usr/bin/ruby2.5 -rrubygems...


Hey there, I found that you class seems to be unmockable for PHPUnit, because all its calls are static and the state is saved staticalled, too. I could imagine, why...

**Did you check if a similar feature request has already been reported?** Yes **Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Kinda. I am trying to sync a...

feature request

I have found multiple instances where the documented type hints in the library are wrong or inaccurate. * `\phpseclib3\Net\SSH2::exec()` has `$callback` which has a type hint of `Callback` (notice the...

This line causes a notice (`Trying to access array offset on value of type bool`) and is not developed defensively enough: The switch case above that line provides multiple...

Proposed fix for #1471 I just started replacing all `return false` with exceptions. This is just a proposition. Before I migrate the whole class, I would like some input on...

The configuration merged behaves differently depending on the profile you load. `behat.basic.yml` ```yaml default: extensions: Behat\MinkExtension: browser_stack: capabilities: browserstack-tunnel: true ``` `behat.production.yml`: ```yaml imports: - behat.basic.yml default: extensions: Behat\MinkExtension: browser_stack:...


This is a bridge for nelmio/alice in Laminas. Maybe the bridges should lay outside of this repo completely? Generally this should help laminas developers a lot.

Hey there, I think I came to the right place for this, though my usecase might be doctrine-specific. Given the following fixture set: ``` Main\V1\Entity\Permission: permission_text: name: 'text' permission_email: name:...
