Jesse Heaslip
Jesse Heaslip
Reading around it looks like you can't access the popup the way this component was built. Only way I could think of to get around that was to use a...
Its also possible to use what I wrote with passport-twitter-token and without the sockets. You just send the callback to localhost:3000 like you did in your example. It feels convoluted...
Thanks Christopher! Going to leave this open in case other folks are looking to solve the same problem they can grab your branch. Cheers
Did you try this? There are also some instructions in the readme.
You need to plug in keys in the .env file for the provider. The process is describe about 3/4 through this post:
Facing the same problem deploying to Netlify ^^
@DoctorHowser probably not the perfect solution but I just copied this file into my project. Avoid babel altogether as it is not needed for create react app (assuming you are...