> @fulviocanducci That is not enough information you are providing. > > Start with posting the actual (full and exact) version numbers that you are using (just edit your post)....
the lab that I set up has Oracle, but the Web has Pomelo, lack of attention for having already tested everything @lauxjpn
> already test with both and the problem happens with both, from time to time it duplicates record @lauxjpn
Were you able to reproduce the issue with this source code? SIM > > [...] from time to time it duplicates record > > Does that mean that the issue...
> @fulviocanducci This is going to be an issue in your application code, not in Pomelo. But we will try to help you figure out the issue anyway. > >...
I realized that after I removed "BeginTransaction" in the code (that is) the transaction control these two days became more stable, I wanted to leave it as an investigation of...
> > I even have a package for EF that does a non-physical deletion of the record, would that be too difficult to put in Pomelo? (https://www.nuget.org/packages/Canducci.SoftDelete/) > > Any...
> Any soft delete functionality should be implemented in EF Core not at the provider level, i.e. this is universal, not provider specific. True, very well remembered!