Marcelo Serpa

Results 53 comments of Marcelo Serpa

+1 I also need this functionality and was glad I found out someone already worked on it, but it's been a while already, is it ready to be merged? Any...

Hmm, I see select2 (and select2-ember) already supports `multiple=true` for a similar functionality. What's the difference here?

It'd be awesome to have an automated way of disabling git-crypt whilst decrypting the whole history.

+1 thanks for this @tobiasBora, works great!

Any updates? Is it usable? Thanks for working on this!

Thanks for the insights. I'll probably implement some kind of asset hash. > I don't use Butterfly any more, but feel free to fork it and/or open a PR if...

Oh ok. There's some appeal to using a site generator and Haxe is a nice option because some targets are much faster than Ruby. Ruby does have excelent generators like...

Couldn't we just generate the `d.ts` for the given hxml output file, akin to what does?

Could someone shed some light on Is it a coincidence that the creation of this repo somehow matches the creation of this issue? I guess the idea is to...

Have you looked at I've been using it for a similar use-case.