
Results 20 issues of fullflash

package looks great. how can we use it with mysql2/promise package ? this package uses mysql2 it would be nice to have a support for this package too.

Get.closeCurrentSnackbar(); ``` +12246 ms] E/flutter ( 5276): [ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/ui_dart_state.cc(198)] Unhandled Exception: 'package:get/get_navigation/src/snackbar/snackbar_controller.dart': Failed assertion: line 99 pos 12: '!_transitionCompleter.isCompleted': Cannot configure a snackbar after disposing it. package:get/…/snackbar/snackbar_controller.dart:99 [ ] E/flutter (...

Hi. is it possible to trigger new page loading via clicking bottom load more button instead of automatiacally loading new page on scrolling ?

you can test with simple xcode command simulator attached. `xcrun simctl openurl booted yourapp://yourdynamiclink` and you can see never ending stream starts receiving through debug console . `uniLinks.linkStream.listen((String? link) {`

your method is amazing ! would be nice to add ability like behavior footer. it would be more useful than header especially for call to action button likes "checkout", "add...

``` java.lang.RuntimeException: An error occurred while executing doInBackground() [ ] E/AndroidRuntime(28069): at android.os.AsyncTask$4.done(AsyncTask.java:415) [ ] E/AndroidRuntime(28069): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.finishCompletion(FutureTask.java:383) [ ] E/AndroidRuntime(28069): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.setException(FutureTask.java:252) [ ] E/AndroidRuntime(28069): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:271) [ ]...


there are plugins to achive this with playing audio files like https://pub.dev/packages/just_audio_background but how to make it work with mediasoup consuming audio ?

we are getting this error during build for ios and android. mediasoup_client_flutter: ^0.8.1. this is the latest pub dart verions ``` : Error: The non-abstract class 'RTCVideoRenderer' is missing implementations...

preventing duplicate images would be nice.

Hi, I have in frontend config **enableStrictParsing** how can i define rule for yii2images module ? something with this '/'.$this->getModule()->id.'/images/image-by-item-and-alias', any advices ? ``` 'urlManager' => [ 'scriptUrl'=>'/index.php', 'enablePrettyUrl' =>...