
Results 182 comments of fufesou

> @fufesou > > [2024-02-23 12:56:54.286197 -05:00] ERROR [src\common.rs:314] REMOVE ME ======== Failed to get clipboard: The clipboard contents were not available in the requested format or the clipboard is...

@bilago Hi, please try https://github.com/fufesou/rustdesk/releases/tag/tmp again. I've add the available clipboard formats. ![image](https://github.com/rustdesk/rustdesk/assets/13586388/bfb1b72c-0e4e-4efb-b193-ef2eaf6e4885) Please copy text and then check what it report in the log.

CF_UNICODETEXT is exactly 13. I cannot understand why `IsClipboardFormatAvailable(13)` returns 0, while `EnumClipboardFormats()` returns 13. Can you please do the following tests? 1. Try reverse connection. If you're testing connect...

> [2024-02-29 09:39:51.240021 -05:00] ERROR [src\common.rs:314] REMOVE ME ======== Failed to get clipboard: The clipboard contents were not available in the requested format: CF_UNICODETEXT is not available, but no error...

@bilago Hi, can you please try https://github.com/fufesou/rustdesk/releases/tmp again? Thanks. I've used https://github.com/dacap/clip as the clipboard implemantion on Windows.

> Windows generates multiple down events for long press Yes, it generates multiple down events.

Thanks for your feedback. Please try the "Translate mode". Or you can use the "Map mode", but you may need to switch the "NumLock" led state first.

Sorry, I don't quite understand what you mean. Is the above result what you want? Still have any issues? The "Translate mode" just send letters to the controlled side. The...

Thanks. I've read the code. The two modes has the same effect in Alt Codes case. The numpad keystrokes are sent to the controlled side for both "Map mode" and...

@rakleed Hi, thanks for your feedback. Do you mean this function breaks clipboard? I cannot reproduce it. Is this issue reproducible every time on your computer? ( macOS 13/Windows 11...