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Poor performance on custom dataset
Thanks for the great work~ I use 3 camera(front_far, front_left front_right), 50 frames, panda 128 lidar on my own dataset, the other config is same as default cofig.
the train and test psnr
{"split": "train", "iteration": 30000, "psnr": 31.93791029746072, "ssim": 0.9148447503123367, "lpips": 0.2528826928975289} {"split": "test", "iteration": 30000, "psnr": 23.408180978563095, "ssim": 0.7495270156198077, "lpips": 0.3991368371579382}
the render result of test data
The reder image seem poor, and I found that the first few frames were rendered okay, but the later ones were much worse. I changed fix_radius
to 10.0 and 15.0, but it seems not work. Could you please give me some advise? What parameters need to be adjusted?
do you have any lidar pointcloud in your side view?
Hi, it seems that the images are not captured by a pinhole camera. Our method may fail to reconstruct the scene if your images are not well rectified.
Hi, it seems that the images are not captured by a pinhole camera. Our method may fail to reconstruct the scene if your images are not well rectified.
Thanks, maybe is camera model reason. I just use front camera which is pinhole, the result seems normal.
I test another static scene only using front camera(50 frames), the test data set render is OK, but when add a 0.5m offset on the raw pose, the rendered image is very poor.
test render image (test_30000_render)
nvs render image, 横向y +0.5m
My impletion is below, is something wrong?
Step 1: Save the transform, cam_infos, and c2ws.
cam_infos_copy = copy.deepcopy(cam_infos) c2ws_copy = copy.deepcopy(c2ws) c2ws, transform, scale_factor = transform_poses_pca(c2ws, fix_radius=args.fix_radius)
Step 2: When generate new pose, the cam_infos is c2ws_copy
, c2ws is c2ws_copy
, I add 0.5m translate to raw pose, then do the same transform as transform_poses_pca()
def cameraList_from_camInfos(cam_infos, resolution_scale, args, transform=None, c2ws=None):
camera_list = []
for id, c in enumerate(tqdm(cam_infos)):
if transform is not None and c2ws is not None:
c2w_raw = c2ws[id]
c2w_raw[1, -1] += 0.5 # y axis
c2w = transform @ c2w_raw # same transform
w2c = np.linalg.inv(c2w)
c.R[:] = np.transpose(w2c[:3, :3]) # R is stored transposed due to 'glm' in CUDA code
c.T[:] = w2c[:3, 3]
camera_list.append(loadCam(args, id, c, resolution_scale))
return camera_list
do you have any lidar pointcloud in your side view?
no lidar in side view in the first scene, there is a front m1 lidar. @CuriousCat-7
do you have any lidar pointcloud in your side view?
no lidar in side view in the first scene, there is a front m1 lidar. @CuriousCat-7
Yeah, as far as I know, their method should perform unwell on dynamic objects when there is no lidar supervision. This is kind of a general conclusion with gaussian splatting based method. Try mono-depth's pesudo-pointcloud may alleviate this problem.