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Periodic Vibration Gaussian: Dynamic Urban Scene Reconstruction and Real-time Rendering

Periodic Vibration Gaussian: Dynamic Urban Scene Reconstruction and Real-time Rendering

[Project] [Paper]

Periodic Vibration Gaussian: Dynamic Urban Scene Reconstruction and Real-time Rendering,
Yurui Chen, Chun Gu, Junzhe Jiang, Xiatian Zhu, Li Zhang
Arxiv preprint

Official implementation of "Periodic Vibration Gaussian: Dynamic Urban Scene Reconstruction and Real-time Rendering".

🛠️ Pipeline

Get started


# Clone the repo.
git clone https://github.com/fudan-zvg/PVG.git
cd PVG

# Make a conda environment.
conda create --name pvg python=3.9
conda activate pvg

# Install requirements.
pip install -r requirements.txt

# Install simple-knn
git clone https://gitlab.inria.fr/bkerbl/simple-knn.git
pip install ./simple-knn

# a modified gaussian splatting (for feature rendering)
git clone --recursive https://github.com/SuLvXiangXin/diff-gaussian-rasterization
pip install ./diff-gaussian-rasterization

# Install nvdiffrast (for Envlight)
git clone https://github.com/NVlabs/nvdiffrast
pip install ./nvdiffrast

Data preparation

Create a directory for the data: mkdir data.

Waymo dataset

Preprocessed 4 waymo scenes for results in Table 1 of our paper can be downloaded here (optional: corresponding label). Please unzip and put it into data directory.

We extract scenes from kitti-format Waymo dataset. Use the example script scripts/extract_scenes_waymo.py to extract the scenes from the Waymo dataset which we employ to extract the scenes listed in StreetSurf.

Following StreetSurf, we use Segformer to extract the sky mask and put them as follows:

└── waymo_scenes
    └── sequence_id
        ├── calib
        │   └── frame_id.txt
        ├── image_0{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}
        │   └── frame_id.png
        ├── sky_0{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}
        │   └── frame_id.png
        |── pose
        |   └── frame_id.txt
        └── velodyne
            └── frame_id.bin

We provide an example script scripts/extract_mask_waymo.py to extract the sky mask from the extracted Waymo dataset, follow instructions here to setup the Segformer environment.

KITTI dataset

Preprocessed 3 kitti scenes for results in Table 1 of our paper can be downloaded here. Please unzip and put it into data directory.

Put the KITTI-MOT dataset in data directory. Following StreetSurf, we use Segformer to extract the sky mask and put them as follows:

└── kitti_mot
    └── training
        ├── calib
        │   └── sequence_id.txt
        ├── image_0{2, 3}
        │   └── sequence_id
        │       └── frame_id.png
        ├── sky_0{2, 3}
        │   └── sequence_id
        │       └── frame_id.png
        |── oxts
        |   └── sequence_id.txt
        └── velodyne
            └── sequence_id
                └── frame_id.bin

We also provide an example script scripts/extract_mask_kitti.py to extract the sky mask from the KITTI dataset.


# Waymo image reconstruction
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python train.py \
--config configs/waymo_reconstruction.yaml \
source_path=data/waymo_scenes/0145050 \

# Waymo novel view synthesis
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python train.py \
--config configs/waymo_nvs.yaml \
source_path=data/waymo_scenes/0145050 \

# KITTI image reconstruction
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python train.py \
--config configs/kitti_reconstruction.yaml \
source_path=data/kitti_mot/training/image_02/0001 \
model_path=eval_output/kitti_reconstruction/0001 \
start_frame=380 end_frame=431

# KITTI novel view synthesis
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python train.py \
--config configs/kitti_nvs.yaml \
source_path=data/kitti_mot/training/image_02/0001 \
model_path=eval_output/kitti_nvs/0001 \
start_frame=380 end_frame=431

After training, evaluation results can be found in {EXPERIMENT_DIR}/eval directory.


You can also use the following command to evaluate.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python evaluate.py \
--config configs/kitti_reconstruction.yaml \
source_path=data/kitti_mot/training/image_02/0001 \
model_path=eval_output/kitti_reconstruction/0001 \
start_frame=380 end_frame=431

Automatically removing the dynamics

You can the following command to automatically remove the dynamics, the render results will be saved in {EXPERIMENT_DIR}/separation directory.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 python separate.py \
--config configs/waymo_reconstruction.yaml \
source_path=data/waymo_scenes/0158150 \

🎥 Videos

🎞️ Demo

Demo Video

🎞️ Rendered RGB, Depth and Semantic





🎞️ Image Reconstruction on Waymo

Comparison with static methods



Comparison with dynamic methods



🎞️ Novel View Synthesis on Waymo


📜 BibTeX

  title={Periodic Vibration Gaussian: Dynamic Urban Scene Reconstruction and Real-time Rendering},
  author={Chen, Yurui and Gu, Chun and Jiang, Junzhe and Zhu, Xiatian and Zhang, Li},