Results 26 comments of GF

@thierryvolpiatto, you said "Done, pushed as progress_reporter.". Can you share your code? I cannot find any code about this. Thx.

Hi, I cannot install mitsuba-git in my Manjaro system via `yaourt -Sy mitsuba-git`. The reason is that it cannot correctly install python2-scons in my system. When I try to install...

Hi, I use above codes in my emacs config file, but have an error as follows, Wrong type argument: characterp, "/home/fg/MEGA/bibtex-pdfs" Please help me.

IoU loss是一个分割领域很常用的损失函数。这里的EIoU实际上是对边界进行约束,即输出结果的边界和gt的边界一致。


For SSIM and PSNR computation, we used Matlab built-in psnr and ssim functions (for example psnr(image1, image 2) and ssim(image1, image2). You can also refer to here

For accuracy and BER computation, please refer to some shadow detection works such as

Hi, I use this python script to test my images, but it output errors: File "", line 101, in segmentation_result = np.uint8(np.squeeze(np.copy(output['fcn_outputs']))) File "/home/user/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/numpy/lib/", line 792, in copy return array(a,...

> Hi, sorry for a late reply! > I think you need to use `%:selection` or/and `%:comment`, you can find some examples here: > > Thanks. Now it does...

I run file with my own configuration arguments, but it outputs error: NameEooor: name 'unet' is not defined. If I write "import unet', it also outputs error: model =...