Tian Luo
Tian Luo
is something went wrong in this method ? futurers add promise but didn't remove. org.apache.bookkeeper.meta.CleanupLedgerManager#recordPromise ``` private void recordPromise(CompletableFuture promise) { futures.add(promise); promise.thenRun(() -> futures.remove(promise)); } ```
@maoling @eolivelli
> This PR is related to which jira? Please mention the jira number in the PR title. @arshadmohammad done
> Can you please also update the License files? @eolivelli done
> @fu-turer How CVE-2022-2296 is related to jetty, can you pls provide some information. If this CVE is applicable to used jetty version 9.4.43.v20210629, any idea why dependency-check:check is not...