Falko Trojahn
Falko Trojahn
Hello, first tried to use latest docker image - got some errors, started from scratch using docker v1.14.1. After https://github.com/moul/sshportal#installation-and-usage and the demo.gif and even reading: https://github.com/moul/sshportal/blob/master/examples/integration/_client.sh I cannot get...
While doing the translations in https://github.com/ftrojahn/geneweb/tree/lex-de2/hd/lang I came upon this small problem, which is only in German, yet. Starting from e.g. `https://geneweb7.trojahn.de/trojahn?m=C&i=86&lang=fr&v=11&lexcheck=1` regarding e.g. `[cousins.9.2]` I need in German the...
Hello, we maintain an instance with more than 500 domains. So, there are a lot of ics imports (see verdigado/calendarize_external). During integration of calendarize we noticed * each ics import...