I'll look into this, thanks for reporting and I'm sorry for being late
About the first output, there is an error while checking an image, from the error detail ... the error does not look not about the file being broken BUT the...
Please consider that describing your enviroment is the basic (like 101) when reporting a problem or asking for help. You should be more detailed when submitting a request or issue
Thank you for the details, I also tried to go deeper into this, from the terminal/commandline, can you try calling "indentify" command, do you find the command? The first try...
About making improvements I can improve/apply fixes about once every 6-9 months.
Not all image damages are detectable, you can also try strict level 2 (also try to explicitly set strict level 1--the should be the default, but need to double check...
Thank you for pointing out the issue (quite strange,...) I'll dive in this issue, in few weeks, my current latency is 4 months on average :-) Regards