Fabio Scaccabarozzi

Results 11 comments of Fabio Scaccabarozzi

You may try to use this simple hack I described some time ago in a blog post: https://www.faskatech.net/posts/2016/11/27-Escaping-btrfs-bugs/ It boils down to shrinking and re-maxing the volume and then triggering...

I believe this can also be due to an oversight in the implementation of SSH connection retries (and lacking/bad documentation as far as I could see). SSH connections in ansible...

I am not sure it will work every time, but in my case I have seen that the theme was sending inline CSS that was overriding the AGB one as...

I gave kASAN a try, but I don't think it helped much. Note that kASAN forces LTO=off, but that didn't change the outcome. [merged_oops_kasan.txt](https://github.com/openzfs/zfs/files/13195563/merged_oops_kasan.txt) [merged_panic_kasan.txt](https://github.com/openzfs/zfs/files/13195564/merged_panic_kasan.txt) I'll try to bisect 6.5.7...

So, after spending >24h of compiling kernels... kernel 6.5.8 is not the problem. Bisection pointed out a totally unrelated commit, which did not fix the issue when reverted. I attempted...

Ah yes, sorry, my update script for Gentoo does include chmodding the LTO cache folder -> ``` modprobe configs export KERN_CONFIG_DUMP=$(uname -r) zcat /proc/config.gz > $KERN_CONFIG_DUMP genkernel --kernel-config=${KERN_CONFIG_DUMP} --no-module-rebuild --zfs...

RE benchmarking: suspected the same, yes. The script doesn't really need a VM -> you call it as `./qemu.sh /boot/vmlinuz-.... /boot/initramfs-....` and just boot via QEMU your last-compile attempt (no...

I managed to do 1) -> built-in ZFS (git) -> still same failure. Once 1) was done, compiling the kernel took ~5m, so I didn't do 2) and optimize further....

Hi @sempervictus , agree. All I get are the oops and panics attached in the first and third comments. Those are obtained with CONFIG_CFI_CLANG=y and CONFIG_CFI_PERMISSIVE=y already. You can grab...

I believe the script is simply starting too soon during the boot sequence (not sure what is missing to trigger this). On DSM 7.1 with systemd, I was able to...