Same issue with my Frame. Still works with another Samsung
Turned out, it was a missing authorization on the Samsung. Works fine again. Thanks
Í just used another Remote Control App like MyTifi which triggered the Samsung to ask for confirmation which I did with OK on the original Samsung remote control. After that...
Not working in the backend, but I hoenstly never tested the forms (or list's) in backend before. So both - F3 and F4 - result in _View not found [name,...
Correction. PDF is actually working in backend. Just need to use the correct View/Edit butoon to open the form. This PDF Link works: http://site/administrator/index.php?option=com_fabrik&task=details.view&format=pdf&formid=2&rowid=809 It's looking terrible, but I expected...
Not sure what could be the problem. 
Yes, using Cassiopeia. And yes, here's the callstack: There is no "template.cassiopeia.ltr" asset of a "preset" type in the registry. Call stack -- # | Function | Location 1 |...
Trying to debug and found (clicking on the PDF Button) in C:/wamp64/www/conacare/components/com_fabrik/models/form.php.FabrikFEModelForm->getFormCss(): lineno 659 In Backend, the $tmplPath is set to `"templates/atum/html/com_fabrik/details/bootstrap/template_css.php?c=2&rowid=809&view=details&rowid=809" ` atum exists in Administrator though no com_fabrik:...
Switched back to Cassiopeia Parent as Default Template and the PDF Button worked fine (except the ugly output, which will keep me busy during the next week(s) 😊) Sorry to...
Agree. Can be easily avoided and shouldn't be a showstopper.