Ferdinand Mosca
Ferdinand Mosca
### Sample output from cutechess-cli 1.2 ``` Warning: Illegal PV move d4c4 from engine1 (0) Warning: PV: Qxd6 Rxd6 Rxb2 R1d4 Kf7 Rd7+ Kg6 R7d6 Kf7 d4c4 ``` Would be...
Get scores and pv lines from multipv 2 search, and also add 2nd bestmove and bestscore in the move comment during analysis if its score is not too far from...
Analyze game where the suggested pv line from the engine as variation is not from the analysis pv line but from the actual game matches of the analyzer.
To annotate a game with move comment if it would result to a win, loss or draw result.
#### Suggestion When -debug is set, also save the best values to debug log file. This goes to console. ``` print(f'Best expectation (κ={kappa}): {X[i]}' f' = {y_pred[i]/2:.3f} ± {sigma[i]/2:.3f}' f'...
When certain move is selected in the movelist box, the board will also update. When move navigation button is pressed, move is highlighted in the movelist box. It is ideal...
Current piece image size is 60x60 pixels. - [ ] Create piece images with size 45x45 pixels - [ ] Revise code
- [ ] Implement analysis mode, see also #9 - [ ] Add column for mini-max'ed positions. - [ ] Add columns for wins/loses/draws