Fernando Serboncini

Results 20 comments of Fernando Serboncini

Same problem here. The pushed fix doesn't really fix it (it does, but it breaks other things)

Pinging this. Any ideas when one needs independent control?

@sam-gc, thanks. `initializeAuth()` does improve the auth import quite a bit (I think it drops more than 100kb of code). The part of firebase/auth that I use (`User` + `browserLocalPersistence`...

sorry to hijack my own issue, but what is the correct way to wait for `initializeAuth()` to finish? the Promise floats: https://github.com/firebase/firebase-js-sdk/blob/cdada6c68f9740d13dd6674bcb658e28e68253b6/packages/auth/src/core/auth/initialize.ts#L83-L86 which means I can't do: ```js const auth...

I ended up doing this: ```js await new Promise(acc => { const unsub = onAuthStateChanged(auth, () => { unsub(); acc(); }); }); ``` right after `initializeAuth()`, but it seems a...

I've created [this](https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/8123) for @whatwg/canvas.

On my Pixel 4A I get the exact same behaviour, so it's not a simulation bug. I'm wondering if it has something to do with the layout of WebView on...

argh. Found the problem. It is with the window. One needs to set `layoutInDisplayCutoutMode` on `BridgeActivity.onCreate`. I'll send a patch to the android repo.

Same here. How to disable this?

It's due to a horrible interaction with the package `atom-replace-plane`. Disabling the package makes it work again.