Felix Schütt

Results 190 comments of Felix Schütt

Yes, see #116. Not sure when I can fix it, I'm currently working to get Windows up and running again (currently upgrading glutin / winit).

well tbh I'm amazed it worked at all ;) The flickering-and-redrawing bugs should all be fixed by the upgrade to `glutin >= 0.22`, since glutin / winit now have a...

Yes, Linux / X11 sends a special "repaint" command that is ignored by Azul. This will probably fixed when I've completed the glutin / winit upgrade (on the `/unvendor_dependencies` branch)

No, that's not possible currently. It's way, way too early to think about that, Azul was not made to run on embedded devices, this is out of the scope for...

Well, as it currently stands, there is nothing that largely prevents a software renderer, besides the fact that it's a ton of work. I've seperated `azul` (the global package that...

No, this won't work. The code example you gave won't compile, because you can't define `.with_callback()` on an `Into` trait and you need that for method-chaining. `impl Into` is for...

I have my doubts, simply because I'm thinking of "how I be able to port this to a C API" - eventually I want to make python / lua, etc....

Azul uses a statically linked version of FreeType for font rendering (on Linux) and currently [hard-codes the subpixel settings](https://github.com/maps4print/azul/blob/8d3ce24d91d75588379c67b9a0176919f22799f7/azul/src/app_resources.rs#L592-L614), it doesn't respect the system settings. The reason for that is...

> If I am not mistaken if you could use the system FreeType it should load the system settings correctly (as the settings are not toolkit nor DE dependent but...

Ok, I think I know where the issue is: The `RendererOptions` always has a clear color, if I disable this line: https://github.com/maps4print/azul/blob/ca9f8a2785478ee38c51cf141092b0cdfa0f8057/src/window.rs#L786 I get a transparent window: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12084016/49572746-b7b13c80-f93c-11e8-91ac-dce57180dc51.png)