lgtm. @lukaszbanasiak can we merge this in?
It seems a patch could be implemented near [line 117](https://github.com/lukaszbanasiak/yahoo-finance/blob/master/yahoo_finance/__init__.py#L117).
I think this is due to configuration issues on your end. * Would you mind posting the full stack trace? * Are you behind a proxy?
Can you provide some specific examples? I assume `get_price` gets the most recent price available.
It could be a local/universal time mix up. I'll look into this.
@inigohrey Wow, great detective work. Now, the question in my mind is: should `yahoo-finance` provide a way to get the adjusted close without accounting for dividends? I think the answer...
@grafa you could fork and then open a PR from your master branch into here. If it never goes through, people will eventually switch over to yours.
I believe this is a deeper issue: requesting a ticker that doesn't exist returns `None`. This behavior seems unnatural and I think we should some how indicate that a ticker...
Has this been resolved?