Patrick Huy
Patrick Huy
The RSS of Marian 1.9.0 seems to be roughly twice as high as that of 1.7.6 (02f4af4eeefa79a24cd52d279a5d4d374423d631) We are running multiple instances of `marian-server` on a machine with 16GB of...
It seems that Marian uses considerably more memoy when CPU decoding than Amun. The comparison is done with a RNN model trained with Nematus which has a 515MB npz file...
Currently access logs created by the management server (when the management server is run on a different port) automatically get the prefix "management_" prepended (implemented in `org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.web.servlet.ServletManagementChildContextConfiguration` ). For configurations...
Similarly to Currently when navigating to a page that requires client certificates and client certificates are available a popup is shown in Firefox and Chrome which asks to select...
Could the component be published to maven central for easy consumption?