Donald Webster

Results 17 issues of Donald Webster

It would be nice if co-maintainer could be included in the `-user` option, uniq'd so there aren't duplicates. Either as an additional `-option` or just making `-user` include it?

I own a handful of AUR packages, but I also co-maintain a few. It would be nice if I could `aur-out-of-date -user fryfrog -pkg jackett` and see both. But instead,...

![The .deb will be gone soon, and the upgrades around 1.14 wouldn't work on non-UI hardware anyway]( If you use this Docker image, you'll likely never get an update to...

So it works now, at least... but why does it only work w/ macvlan? It'd be great to get it working w/o that.

It would be great to have a nice little icon for Radarr, I found this directory of logos on their github.

feature request

It'd be kind of useful if there was an `all` argument one could pass instead of individual container names. Would be a little bit of a time saver where we...

On ~~most~~ some of my systems running EternalTerminal server, when I reboot the connection just hangs. If I were using screen/tmux/ssh, I'd just `~.` or whatever, but I can't find...

I should probably make this on ruTorrent's own github. Or maybe the unpack plugins? But I'm going to start here, in case anyone has seen it. For me, unpack is...

Recently BeyondHD required invites for bots to #bhd_announce, done by Millie. This lets functionality for approving invites in trackarr work correctly.

It would be great if the config didn't need to live with the script. For example, I'm making an AUR package for this and would like the script to live...