doesn't fix
@b4lk0n did you find a solution?
Can we crowdfund @oblador to do this if it's possible? Thumbs up if you're willing to put in 50$
+1 prohibitively slow on my end as well, 4.5MB taking 6 minutes, every time, for the past 48 hours
Same issue when implementing custom iOS share component. Anybody found a solution that doesn't require a patch ? BTW no reason to use a fork anymore now that [`patch-package`]( exists
Is it just docs that are pending? i.e. is the code itself good to go?
+1 this is a roadblock for me @mrousavy how much $ would you prioritize this for? re your tweet on bounties: all for it 🚀
Getting this too, except not in an umbrella. All dashboards work but Phoenix
imo this just boils down to creating separate icons for certain togglable buttons. Opening [Icon Request]
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