Hello, I watched and I tell myself that with an esp32 it might be less in board but super simple in editing if the library was suitable for ESP32...
Hello, I use #include #include #include #include #include #include "OneButton.h" if I run screen u2g2lib, chrono, onebutton in first : no problem After ESP8266 wemos D1 mini reboot with result...
Hello, [SPIFFS] data : F:\arduino 2022 10\arduino-1.8.19\portable\sketchbook\_projets\voilier autonome\EMailSenderEsp32GMailSPIFFSAttachTest\data [SPIFFS] start : 2686976 [SPIFFS] size : 1472 [SPIFFS] page : 256 [SPIFFS] block : 4096 /logo.jpg /data.txt /parcours6.gpx [SPIFFS] upload :...
Hello, No answer on my browser and on com ; RSSi is always < 40 What is the problem ?