react-native-bluetooth-state icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
react-native-bluetooth-state copied to clipboard

:signal_strength: Answering the question of "Is my bluetooth on?" in React Native

Results 6 react-native-bluetooth-state issues
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I tried building the app and it failed on BridgeModule's import. I found a fix for this online, but I think this should be included in the module. Fix: replace...

This one should enable support for latest react native version

I get this warning after updating RN to v0.56 ![simulator screen shot - iphone 6s - 2018-08-09 at 11 22 16](

Hello Johannes, basically this is the same pull request like before, but from a feature branch to not break the current master in the fork. I addressed all the nitpicks:...

Hey frostney, is there a way to unsubscribe BluetoothState? I do `BluetoothState.subscribe()` in my `componentWillMount()` and I want to `BluetoothState.unsubscribe()` in my `comonentWillUnmount()`, Best regards, albo