Johannes Stein

Results 28 issues of Johannes Stein

Add unit tests using Jest.


If an uuid is given to the region that is not a valid a uuid, the error message `Invalid parameter not satisfying: region != nil` appears. If possible, it should...


The permission event emits a string as its payload, while the `regionDidEnter` and `regionDidExit` events have an object as its payload even though they could be easily represented as strings.


The JavaScript code currently exports the native module directly. It would make sense to check the parameter types using `invariant` while wrapping the methods to avoid edge cases and cryptic...


When any errors occur, a message gets written in the console output. It would be more convenient if those errors are available from JavaScript, so the app can react to...


Beacons don't work in the iOS simulator, which is why a simulation there would be quite useful. Either allow random beacon values or to trigger specific values.


The action of the form is now available as a prop. By default the action leads to `#`, but can now be customizable.

This pull requests updates the React dependency to ^15.0.2 It also updates the example to use the same React version.

I have noticed when the typewriter animation has completed and I'm trying to pass in a new text (or any React elements) as its children, it will not change its...

This requires #7 to be merged in first. This builds TypeWriter using Rollup. Major changes: - Smaller bundle - Default file is the CommonJS one, UMD has `.umd.js` - Support...