Johannes Stein

Results 20 comments of Johannes Stein

I'm going to push out a new release tonight with the fix I described above. I'm sorry I couldn't get to it earlier.

@sergethompson Would you mind explaining your use case in a bit more detail?

When you give your form a reference, you can call `refs.form.reset()` on that reference. Example: ``` javascript class MyComponent extends React.Component { resetForm = () => { this.refs.form.refs.reset(); }; render()...

I really like this functionality, this works really well for my use case. Are there any concerns merging this in? @heilhead

I would love to have Android support in, unfortunately I don't quite know where to start. Feel free to submit a pull request.

That's not available yet through the API (yet), but you can do `DeviceEventEmitter.removeListener('centralManagerDidUpdateState');` This may not be what you want though, since that call would get rid of all subscribers.

@albo1337 I'm sorry, I mis-remembered the method name. It's `DeviceEventEmitter.removeAllListeners('centralManagerDidUpdateState');`

@nitkuk If you increase the database size inside of `getPackages()`, it might not have the desired effect. At least that was the case for me. Putting the call inside of...

@yn5 What do you think about having the container element as a prop? I feel like it should be `span` by default. From the top of my head, I some...

Does this work if you wrap your elements in a container?